Euroguard Soft IV
Bactiguard L Plus
Bactiguard LF33
Bactiguard PF
Bactiguard PF Plus
Bactiguard TF30
Euroguard Bio
Euroguard FFC 64
Euroguard Nature BC
Euroguard Nature L
Euroguard Nature P
Euroguard Nature TF
Euroguard Pet
Euroguard Pet Plus
Euroguard Pet Plus Dry
Euroguard Prime
Euroguard Soft F60
Euroguard Soft IV
Euroguard Soft IV P
Euroguard Soft IV

Blend of organic acids without formaldehyde and non-corrosive. Product with exclusive patented technology by Eurotec Nutrition, indicated against bacterial contamination in grains, meals, bran and feedstuffs intended for animal feeding.